A downloadable tool

An offline, easy-to-use generator for random minecraft block palettes for whatever you wish to use such a thing for, for a random size of your choosing.

Only full blocks have been included, so you won't roll stuff like stairs and slabs. The tool's commissioner requested this so they could roll, say, oak planks and then use everything that is made from oak planks, like stairs and slabs and doors and stuff. Similarily, shaved, bark, and stem blocks are 'lumped' together, as well as glass blocks and their respective panes, and droppers/dispensers.

This tool currently includes blocks until up to and including 1.16, but I've got plans to update to include 1.17 data asap! Just gotta figure out how the [expletive redacted] to deal with copper.

As of 1.1.1, version 1.17 blocks have been added! Also the Blast Furnace because apparently I had forgotten that one. Oops!

1.1.6 fixes some minor bugs (image issues and hopefully the tool shouldn't be able to pull blocks twice)

1.1.14 adds new blocks from Minecraft 1.19, as well as does some css magic so that I don't need to figure out webp images all too much.

Future plans:

  • Version support: Pick a version -- want to have only the new blocks? Or are you on a previous version but still want to use the tool? That's gonna be possible. In the tool as of 1.1.1! Sort of.
  • Version support 2.0: Enable picking of a version range instead of just "up to and including"
  • Mod support: Random blocks from a mod of your choice. (This will take a bit. There are many mods out there.) 

So many thanks go to IvyLB for helping be bughunt once I've got it running...


mc_randomizer_1.1.6.zip 3.9 MB
mc_randomizer_1.1.14.zip 4 MB

Install instructions

Download, unzip, and open the html file in your browser.

Development log

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